
ToT on Community-managed Climate Change Actions concludes

RDRS Bangladesh (08 December 2014) – A four-day training course on Community-Managed Climate Change Actions held in Dhaka concluded on 6 December 2014.  RDRS Bangladesh hosted the event as part of a collaborative initiative of the AZEECON and IIRR. A total of 13 participants from AZEECON member countries Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar and Nepal took part in the training course. AZEECON (Asian Zone Environment and Emergency Cooperation) and IIRR (International Institute of Rural Reconstruction) have taken a collaborative initiative to conduct Training of Trainers for the members of AZEECON. The purpose of the training is to build and strengthen the capacities of their staff towards more community-level climate change work. As per plan, the training course will be conducted in three phases. Each phase is designed as one main course along with a follow-up. The main course of the first phase (Course 1) ‘Facilitating Food Security and Livelihood Programs in the Context of Climate Change’ was conducted in June 2014 in Cambodia. In order to enhance further participants’ learning, IIRR conducted a four-day follow-up capacity enhancement training in Dhaka during 3-6 December 2014. The main objective of the follow-up training was to enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants in engaging and mobilizing communities towards designing and implementing adaptation programs for food security and livelihoods. Ms Marissa B. Espineli, Director of the Regional Center for Asia of IIRR; and Mr Wilson john D. Barbon, Program Specialist for Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation of IIRR facilitated the training event. The follow-up training was mainly focused on sharing and learning from the experience of the participants in applying the knowledge gained from the Cambodia course (Course 1). Additional five new topics have also been discussed to complement the topics discussed in Course 1. Alongside the classroom discussion, RDRS organized a field visit to Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI). Following contents were discussed and exercised in the training session:
  • Principles of Community organizing and Mobilization for Community Adaptation
  • Facilitating Group Process at the Community Level: Input and Exercises
  • Key Concepts on Participatory Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
  • Designing Community Level Training Effectively
  • Selecting Training Methodologies
End of the training, the participants came up with a 6-months action plan on their own organizational perspective. The second phase of the training course is scheduled to be conducted in June 2015 in India.

By: Narous January 2, 2015

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AZEECON is an informal, member-led regional network of field programs and Associate Programs of Lutheran World Federation/ Department of World Service active in promoting disaster ...
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