
LIFE WITH DIGNITY (LWD) is an autonomous Cambodian NGO localized from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF)/Department for World Service’s Cambodia Program in Jan 2011. LWD, under the local leadership, continues working with all existing donors/partners and related government agencies to improve the livelihoods of the poor in rural Cambodia. LWD continues the more than 30-year-old program of LWF Cambodia, which shifted from emergency relief, demining, resettlement and rehabilitation to integrated rural development with an emphasis on rights-based empowerment, to uphold the rights of the poor and oppressed. Beyond a focus on the delivery of Development Service to the poor in rural Cambodia, LWD established a Training Unit and it started to provide training and consultancy service to its staff and partner NGOs locally and internationally since 2007. In 2015, the Training Unit was transformed into LWD Learning Center.


People living in peace, dignity and harmony in a democratic and just society, united in diversity and empowered to achieve their universal rights.


LWD facilitates the empowerment of vulnerable rural people to claim their universal rights.


“To contribute to the poverty alleviation of Cambodia through rights-based empowerment of rural communities, strengthening local leadership and improvement of governance.”

Core Values

  • Justice
  • Equity
  • People’s Participation
  • Transparency and Accountability


  1. Strengthen local leadership and improve governance for equitable and sustainable development
  2. Empower communities to obtain improved and sustainable socio-economic livelihoods
  3. Empower communities to conserve and manage natural resources in sustainable ways and to manage and mitigate disaster risk, including climate change adaptation
  4. Strengthen the organization’s management to be effective and efficient and relevant to the context


LWD applies three approaches in their day-to-day work to improve the living standard of the poor in rural Cambodia.

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